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Friday, July 22, 2011

Article: Could My Severely Disabled Child Ever Find a Job?

An encouraging bit of research is coming out of the University of Wisconsin - Madison for disabled kids.  And my follow-up with Dr. Erik Carter, one of the researchers, found him helpful and engaging.

The UWM team took a look at severely disabled teens who found work to supplement their early vocational training and hopefully get them on the road to a future career.  Researchers have identified several factors that may have contributed to the teens' success in finding early work.  My review of their report is available here: Link to article by Melanie Hundley on www.suite101.com.

Also for more information about people with disabilities, consider:
  Including People With Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families, & CongregationsPeer Buddy Programs: For Successful Secondary School InclusionPeer Support Strategies for Improving All Students' Social Lives and LearningShaped By God

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